Green Lake Coyote Just Trying to Get in 10,000 Steps Before Animal Control Called

Anxiously glancing over its shoulder as it trotted past the Green Lake Boathouse, a Seattle-area resident coyote expressed hope it could reach its daily step goal...

SPD Speeds Up Response Times After Telling Officers There’s Cocaine at Every Crime Scene

After it was widely reported that it took 20 minutes for Seattle Police Department officers to arrive at a shooting scene with a victim...

George Washington Actually Thinks He Looks Pretty Dumb on State Flag Too

After generations of Washingtonians looking at him weird, today former U.S. President George Washington broke centuries of silence to say that he actually thinks...

Sound Transit Clarifies People Can Soon Ride Lines 1 and 2, Not Go Number 1 and 2

Jubilation across the Seattle area that people would soon finally be able to go number one or two at any of Sound Transit’s light...

Mount Si Celebrates Hosting One Millionth Second Date

State park rangers presented a surprised pair of hikers with a summit-top champagne toast today to celebrate the one-millionth second date held on the...

King County Public Health Asks That If You’re Freakin,’ Please Call a Crisis Hotline, Not Beacon

Today King County Public Health advised local residents who may be freakin’ to contact the Crisis Connections Hotline and not call Beacon. “I know the...

Bruce Harrell Touts Gingerbread Village As Solution to Housing Crisis

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell embraced the Season of Giving and gave an early Christmas present to the city’s homeless population today by announcing that...

Aroma of Tacoma Returns After Bullshit Verdict Drops in Manuel Ellis Case

The aroma of Tacoma re-emerged today with brutal force after an enormous pile of bullshit was dropped in a Pierce County courtroom where three...

Man Discovers He Actually Lives in Kenmore, Not Bothell

A three-year investigation into why Pagliacci Pizza delivery boys could never find Doug Frankel’s Bothell-based address has concluded that he does not, in fact,...

New Parents Excited Ballard Light Rail Line Will Be Finished in Time To Visit Kids at University of Washington

As more details emerge for a future Ballard Light Rail connection, new parents Jim and Claire Thompson are reportedly ecstatic that the light rail...