Seattle Coffee Shops Thrust Back at Starbucks Porn Ban

A collective of independent coffee shops in Seattle are firing back at Starbucks’ plan to ban pornography from their in-store wifi, offering customers the...

Dan Replaces Fremont Sign as New Center of the Universe

Following the disappearance of Fremont’s famed Center of the Universe guidepost sign, area resident Dan Smithsfield has offered himself up as its "long-overdue replacement." Standing...

Man Argues Every Bruce Willis Movie Is A Christmas Movie

Mike Gallardo of Lake City spent all six hours of his friend’s Christmas holiday party asserting that every film featuring Bruce Willis is a...

Therapist’s Office Has Great View of South Lake Union But Windows Don’t Open

We're interrupting your regularly scheduled broadcast of fake news to bring you this breaking report: Life can be rough. Please have empathy for those...

Woman Has Quiet Night In with Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and Girlfriend’s Boyfriend

Beacon Hill resident Meghan Jones confessed tonight, after a long work week, that all she wants is a quiet, calm night in with her...

Louis C.K. Fan Wondering If It’ll Ever Be Okay to Suck a Bag of Dick’s Again

Hope is fading fast for one man who is wondering if he’ll ever be able to enjoy sucking down a bag of Dick’s again...

Seattle Gives Portland Unplugged Xbox Controller to Play Halo

In a gesture of feigned generosity, Seattle gave Portland its second Xbox controller to play Halo. The catch: It was unplugged the entire time. A...

Amazon Announces Pop-up Shop in Your Parents’ Kitchen for “Black Thursday”

Retail giant Amazon announced today plans for a pop-up shop in your parents’ kitchen on the day before Black Friday, or what the company...

Californian Denounces Perfectly Fine Mexican Restaurant

California native Rhea Larkin made waves today as she took to social media to denounce a perfectly fine Mexican restaurant in Ballard. “These have to...

REPORT: Capitol Hill Restaurant Apparently Also A Comedy Club Or Something?

Monissa Davis and Arren Hanks had planned a quiet night out on Capitol Hill for their third anniversary dinner and somehow ended up at...