Millennial Homeowner Branded Witch, Pelted with Avocado Toast in Town Square

A raucous scene erupted today after it was discovered that a local millennial actually owns her own home, prompting neighboring renters to brand her...

Morning Sidewalk Traffic Report: Couple Just Fucking Standing There

Pedestrians have been backed up in multiple directions and taking detours all morning due to a couple stalled in the left sidewalk lane, reportedly...

Extrovert Enters Fifth Grueling Week of Introvert Bootcamp

Five weeks after enrolling in a mandatory home-based introvert bootcamp program led by roommates who grew up in Seattle, local extrovert and Texas transplant...

God Unleashes Plague of Beautiful Sunny Days to Blight People in Quarantine

After driving Seattle residents into their homes last month to quarantine away from a pandemic, God has unveiled Part 2 of his dastardly plan...

Local Woman Quickly Running Out of Spaces to Organize

Friends and family are growing increasingly concerned for one local woman who is dangerously close to running out of closets, drawers and shelves to...

Joe Biden Vows to Bring Troops Home from Vietnam, Work with Soviets on Détente

Wilmington, Delaware – In a statement livestreamed from the depths of his basement office, Joe Biden vowed today to unite both progressive and moderate...

Report: Grandma Still Waiting for You to Call

Multiple sources including your parents are reporting that your sweet old grandmother is currently still sitting in her big chair, half-watching I Love Lucy,...

Our Top 6 Real Fake News Headlines Mistaken for Fake Real News

Here at The Needling, we take our credibility as Seattle’s Only Real Fake News as seriously as possible. We say it at the top...

Marie Kondo Sheds Single Tear as Pickup Truck Full of Toilet Paper Speeds By

A peaceful day of tidying up was interrupted this afternoon when international minimalist sensation Marie Kondo witnessed a pickup truck hauling a 10-foot high...

Seattle’s Anti-social Reputation Threatened By Disturbingly Introvert-friendly Transplant

Concerns are mounting that Seattle’s long-held reputation for being full of unwelcoming, anti-social assholes is in danger following reports that at least one introvert-friendly...