A lot of people have been saying what’s happening in Palestine, particularly Gaza, is undoubtedly a genocide. But there’s no way that’s possible, actually, because I have a black friend. Here are five other irrefutable reasons why what’s happening isn’t at least some form of ethnic cleansing:

  1. Sure, 2 million starving civilians are trapped on a small plot of land they can’t escape from as they get indiscriminately bombed and shot at. But did you ever see my recent Instagram post of me hanging out with my black friend? She looks pretty lucky to know me, right?
  2. Yes, there are countless videos of Israeli soldiers partying as they flatten entire city blocks of Gaza that kill hundreds of civilians at a time—with about half of them being children. But I feel what’s getting left out of discussions about this is that I not only have a black friend, but I’ve hired a black person before, who is that same black friend.  
  3. The accusations that Israel would ever commit the war crime of bombing one hospital are heinous. Give them some credit: Israel bombs all hospitals in Gaza, not just one. This is erasure, and I just want you to know that I fully understand that concept because I have a black friend.
  4. Riddle me this: How could it be a genocide if every day the news is reporting that some Palestinians are still alive? Please check your facts before you accuse people who have a black friend of supporting genocide.
  5. A lot of people don’t know this, but the babies left to die in hospitals had already pledged themselves to Hamas and Israel had every right to defend themselves against them. You would probably know that if you had a black friend.

Wait, this just in from my black friend’s social media account: They think this is genocide? After all that I’ve done for them, talking them up endlessly as a human shield against all accusations of racism? Wow. Well, I did have a black friend, and that’s proof enough no genocide or even apartheid is happening in Palestine. ICJ, I rest my case.

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