One Seattle resident’s quick work trip down to Portland this week led to the discovery of Oregonians who think Mount Hood is actually worth taking photos of and they’re adorable!

“Oh my God, look at them really getting their phone cameras out for that little hill over there—it’s like they’ve never seen Mount Rainier!” said Seattle resident Henry Holland as he took photos of them taking photos of Mount Hood emerging from parting clouds. “They’re honestly almost as cute as pikas on the Sunrise to Fremont Lookout trail. It isn’t even as tall as Mount Adams and only beginner mountaineers in Washington even remember that one exists—can you say ‘precious?’”  

Photos of the darling Oregonians gawking at what they call a mountain have since charmed the world over through several viral photos and videos.

“My favorite one has a couple looking at Mount Hood from Rocky Butte really acting like it’s one of the most beautiful viewpoints ever because apparently they’ve never seen a 14er from Kerry Park,” said another Seattle resident Amanda Jenkins, shaking her head. “I mean, even any vantage point in Tacoma is better than that. Yeah, these Oregonians are almost as cute the New Englanders who call this one 6,000-foot ant hill in New Hampshire named Mount Washington a mountain. Kids these days!”

At press time, Oregonians had turned to also taking pictures of Washington residents who sound adorable when they say Mount Rainier is more dangerous to climb because it’s taller even though its most popular climbing routes aren’t even lined with hot fumaroles spewing deadly volcanic gases to fall into.  

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