Look, I know I’m a transplant and that my opinion as the daughter of the inventor of Toaster Strudel may not mean as much around here. And I know my efforts to make “fetch” happen back in high school famously failed.

But I am nothing if not a determined trendsetter for life, and that is why three years after I convinced the City of Seattle to rename Lower Queen Anne, yes, I am still trying to make “Uptown” happen.  

Sure, it didn’t quite take off as fast as planned when the city officially renamed the neighborhood in 2021 despite how much easier it is to say and spell out because this city hates change. But change can also be good! Who doesn’t love kissing those extra syllables away in Cap Hill, Sea Town and Pike’s?

I’ve been told literally everyone here—and yet they still happened, did they not?

And if my fellow marketing consultant Regina can make FreLard happen, anything can happen. Including making her say Uptown as well, which she’s not yet because she has actual friends here somehow but I know she’ll come around.

So join me in finally making Uptown happen! Or I’ll make the city rename Fremont “Fetch” next.

And please feel free to take me out of your Seattle Freeze Book and sit with me at any time. I’m sorry that people are so jealous that I have an IMDB page, but I can’t help it that I’m popular.

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