In the most touching story yet this Pride Month, this week former Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz thanked actor Kevin Spacey for helping him find the courage to come out as gay shortly after being accused of several sex crimes.

“It had always really inspired me the way Kevin only came out as gay immediately after some very damning accusations of him sexually preying and violating people had come to public light,” said Diaz in a tell-all interview with longtime right-wing LGBTQ advocate Jason Rantz. “So when I got basically forced out of my job as police chief here in Seattle after sexual misconduct allegations against me seemed to never stop piling up, I was like, What Would Kevin Spacey Do? So I actually called him up and was like ‘Hey, if everyone hates you for abusing your power to violate people sexually, that all immediately goes away if you just say you’re gay because then you’re immediately transformed into an oppressed victim role, right? And then you get hired for whatever roles you want like, say, an Austin Police Department Chief who can obviously do no wrong because he’s both Latino and gay, correct? It’s been a few years since you did it, so I forget how that worked out for you.’”

Spacey said he didn’t hesitate to help wisely counsel Diaz into the most dignified way to come out as gay ever because he had plenty of time on his hands.

“Is there anything more brave and unbeguiling than coming out on a right-wing radio show? I think not,” said Spacey. “And, yet, I’m sure the virtue-signaling queer community will still callously reject him just like they rejected me just because I only associated with their community once I was identified as a sexual predator. It’s almost like they think sex criminals should immediately fuck off and go to hell no matter their gender or sexual orientation.”

At press time, Spacey and Diaz still could find no other Pride celebration in Seattle that would welcome them other than former Seattle mayor Ed Murray’s house.

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