Today a venerated group of local Seattle tourism media influencers awarded Seattle Magazine the 2024 title for being the area’s top source of information on how the hell to get away from Seattle.

“When you want to find the best ways to turn up your nose at anything actually in Seattle as much as possible, look no further than Seattle Magazine,” said Sara Wentworth, President of the Anywhere But Seattle Tourism Media Association (ABSTMA). “I mean, why sit at a bistro in Madrona sipping Cabernet Sauvignon when you can drive six hours to do the exact same thing in Walla Walla? Exactly. You can trust that if you want a good place to dine, get sun, enjoy art, a relaxing weekend or just about anything else, Seattle Magazine will always be there to recommend a place that’s anywhere outside of Seattle. They even put Seattle Police chiefs talking shit about the city they’re supposed to serve and protect on their covers as much as possible to really hammer home how much of an authority their publication is on how you should really probably just go and live anywhere but here.”

Seattle Magazine Editor James Hader thanked the media organization for the honor in a gracious award acceptance statement.

“I know the competition was stiff this year and I wanna say I’m just honored to be in the company of the other nominees in this category, including Brandi Kruse, Jason Rantz, Jonathan Choe, and KOMO,” said Hader. “Sometimes the great music, huge restaurant scene, gorgeous views, best farmer’s markets in the country, best independent public music station in the country, diverse economy, and endless array of interesting people just get on your nerves, you know? Let’s face it, it’s a hellhole. That’s why we try to cram as many getaway trips to places outside of Seattle into our magazine as possible, and it’s just nice to finally be recognized for it.” 

At press time, Seattle Magazine was putting the finishing touches on its 1,000th article on 101 Coffee Shops in Towns Requiring at Least Two Ferry Rides to Reach.

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