This week one local man who failed to discreetly pick his nose wound up in the backgrounds of at least 70,000 photos of this year’s cherry blossom bloom at the University of Washington.

“I only noticed him in my photos while getting ready to post the pictures online, so I added the hashtag #CHERRYPICK as a joke,” said Amanda Vaart, a UW student who recently took selfies with the trees and her visiting family. “The hashtag began trending almost immediately as no less than 70,000 other people in Seattle suddenly realized we all had the same doofus photo-bombing our cherry blossom photos. I feel a little bad about making him a locally infamous nose-cherry picker maybe–but he was a few knuckles deep while walking the full length of the quad so I don’t feel totally responsible.”

The now self-identified man, Angus Greely, said he didn’t mean to be remembered forever as a man with a seeming kink for making love to his own nostrils with his fingers in public.

“I’m not totally sure what happened, but I may indeed have been digging so deep in there that I temporarily lobotomized myself into doing something that dumb,” said Greely. “I swear that in the future I’ll limit that level of nose digging to places no one wants to take photos like company happy hours at Cactus.”

At press time, another local photographic crisis had fortunately been averted at Pike Place Market when thousands were rescued from documenting even more of Greely’s nose-picking by an airborne salmon.

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