Seattle’s beloved Dick’s announced it’s celebrating its 69th birthday this week with 69-cent milkshakes.

“We usually sell 19-cent burgers for our annual Burger Day anniversaries—the same price our burgers were when we first opened in 1954,” said Dick’s Drive-in Owner John Spady. “But what kind of go-to fast-food restaurant for teens, college kids and cheap Tinder dates would we be if we left a 69-cent milkshake deal on the table during the only year we’re ever going to turn 69? Not this son of a Dick that’s for sure. I think it’s time we celebrate that our milkshakes bring all the boys to the parking lot—lot lot lot lot loot.”

The limited-time deal will be available this week with crowds sure to get in long lines for vanilla shakes available Tuesday, chocolate shakes expected to sell out fast on Wednesday, and an unpredictably light or heavy day for strawberry shakes available on Thursday.

Although the deal is expected to create some high-calorie days for customers who come back for affordable seconds, local public health experts say there’s nothing to worry about.

“You know, even though it’s usually seen as a sinful kind of meal, you’d be surprised: Milkshakes actually have a great dose of quality proteins, vitamins and minerals that are good for your health,” said local general practitioner Dr. Fanny Cummings. “Honestly, my husband Peter and I slurp them down all the time.”

At press time, Spady confirmed all coupled customers are eligible for 34+35-cent 2-milkshake specials.

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