One man celebrated his new remote position today by investing in a bounty of zoom background decorations from his local bookstore.

“I must have spent the entire weekend scouring local bookstores, but after hours of hard work and a few papercuts, I finally found this bookstore that sells random color coded books in the rainbow ombre pattern I was looking for,” said Jason McDonald, framing his laptop on his bookshelf. “Sure, I had to fill in a few gaps with nine copies of Infinite Jest, but it’ll all be worth it when my prominently-displayed copy of ‘Anti-Racist Baby’ gets noticed at our All-Hands Meeting during Black History Month.”

While McDonald was set on leveraging a classic Zoom strategy, other co-workers were pioneering a more tech savvy approach to lowkey virtual meeting boasting.

“Jason might as well have hundreds of copies of Jurassic Park behind him because that dinosaur is living in the stone age,” said co-worker Parker Wilson. “Meanwhile, my cutting edge setup is a bookshelf full of Echo speakers playing dozens of audiobooks in the background of all of my calls. You should have seen how impressed my manager was when I had every single Harry Potter audiobook playing simultaneously behind me during our one-on-one.”

Both men were quickly outshined, however, after catching a glimpse of a co-workers’ massive bookshelf filled with their collection of 19th century Russian literature Funko Pops.

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