Seattle resident Becca Burns is accused of lying today after telling friends and family that her new smart and hot partner resides in Angle Lake.

“It sounded like a match made in heaven when she said she found a new boyfriend, but then she said he lives in Angle Lake,” said close friend Addison Harris, shaking her head. “At that point, I knew that she was talking about an imaginary person. He might as well be from the Lost City of Atlantis as far as I’m concerned. We all know Angle Lake is a fake place Sound Transit made up to make it seem like they were making any progress on ever opening up new light rail station outside of Seattle again.”

After being pressed for additional details, Burns posted numerous photos of herself on Instagram riding the light rail with the caption #AngleLakeBoundWithBae.

“I don’t care what anyone says, my boyfriend is awesome and Angle Lake is a charming place to spend time in,” said Burns. “I wish my friends could spend time with my significant other, but he is quite the introverted extrovert who needs to recharge after spending time with me. That’s why he’s not on social media. It’s also the last stop on the light rail, so I don’t want to trouble them with the long roundtrip.”

When asked if she had any Angle Lake brunch recommendations, Burns said they actually prefer making it for each other from scratch before taking long, romantic walks along the heavenly shores of Angle Lake.  

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