Today the Spokane County Sheriff’s Office blamed the misspelling of their home state as “Washinton” in its giant Times Square police recruitment ads on an undermining and elitist society of leftist grammar Nazis known as the “Kabal of Webster’s Dickshunary.”

“That spelling error was definately not our fault and if your thinking we would ever be able to laugh or take responsibilary for the smallest of error’s without having a pubic meltdown, your crazy,” said Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich in a written statement posted on social media. “Our ads were hacked by a society of eleetust terrorists who secratly meet in Pizza Parlers to chant incantations from a spell book known as Webster’s Dickshunary.”

Refusing to stay intimidated by threats to use a form of witchcraft known by the leftist literati known as spellcheck, Sherriff Knezovich said Spokane County will continue its campaign to recruit unvaccinated officers from across the nation with bonuses of up $15k each.

“Come for the PNW covfefe, stay for the unqualified imanatee,” reads new ads placed in other liberal cities across the nation. “Spoke Anne County Sharif’s Office: The Nation’s Best Place to Pretend and Serve.”

In the meantime, the Spokane Sheriff’s Office says it fortunately expects the spelling cabal to be permanently shut down soon by one of its newest Yankee recruits expected to join them next week, Officer JFK Jr.

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