Today Sound Transit announced that this fall’s opening of three new light rail stations in North Seattle aren’t the only plans that are ahead of schedule this year.

“I don’t know how our contractors did it, but as of today we can confirm escalators at all three new light rail stations are already broken,” said Sound Transit spokesman Neil Harrison. “This fall, light rail passengers in Northgate, Roosevelt and U-District won’t have to ask themselves if escalators are going to break down while they’re using them or make bets on how many days they’ll function before breaking down again. They can all assume they’re basically narrow, static stairways on Day 1.”

Light rail riders from Capitol Hill said they were amazed.

“Wow, this is really surpassing expectations,” said light rail rider Tessa Woodward. “It almost took an entire year for the Capitol Hill and Husky Stadium station escalators to completely break down. I’m impressed.”

Sound Transit added that, fingers crossed, escalators for three new Eastside light rail stations will already be broken by October.

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