Washington state Q-Anon stars of Borat Subsequent Moviefilm humbly thanked the Academy of Child-Eating Lizardmen today for conspiring to bestow upon them recognition for their contributions to the film’s now Oscar-nominated screenplay.

“Even though this is obviously a trap thought up by the Clinton-Rothschild cabal to expedite ‘The Storm’ and lure us into one location so they can vaporize us from space with their diabolical Jewish Super Laser, we’re honored that the academy conspired to recognize our contributions to cinema,” said Olympia QAnon supporter Jerry Holleman, last seen featured in the Borat sequel. “Hell, if I had a child around I might have even shared some of their blood to celebrate with the Hollywood folks just this once.”

Although he personally feels their Olympia rally jingle ‘Wuhan Flu’ got snubbed for “Best Original Song,” Holleman’s roommate Jim Russell agreed it was an honor to have their contributions to the screenplay celebrated even if by a Satanic circle of pedophiles.

“I never thought I’d know what it would be like to dismiss the crimes of a man like Woody Allen just to get my moment in the limelight, but now I do,” said Russell. “I guess a lot of us aren’t that different after all.”

The local Q-Anon stars that Borat’s Sacha Baron Cohen met in Lakewood also narrowly missed a nomination for a new category almost created for this year’s Oscars called “Best Film Characters We Wish Were Acting.”

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