Even several days after New Years, Columbia City resident Michael McFarlane says his neighbors are still rudely setting off bright virtual light shows from their living rooms at all hours of the night.

“You know, some of us really need to sleep, but I can’t do that when neighbors are still shooting off these wild virtual light shows from their TVs and laptops with Dark Side of the Moon bumping from the speakers,” said McFarlane. “After watching them go on from the window for too long, my poor dog looks like a stoned zombie who’s been staring into a lava lamp for too long. Won’t someone think of the Corgis?”

McFarlane says he blames the Space Needle’s New Years virtual light show performance for the increase in colorful, computer-animated light shows continuing to be played throughout his neighborhood so long after the holiday.

“We really need to make it so it’s only legal to buy and do that hippie-dippie screen-saver stuff on the reservations,” McFarlane said, hugging his dog. “You think your dog is scared when a firecracker goes off? Try witnessing a spiraling light dragon morph into a peace sign. A guy down the street said he can’t get his cat out from behind his refrigerator after seeing a neon UFO explode into a thousand butterflies. And the marijuana smoke billowing out of these homes? Unreal.”

Tonight he says he’s got his curtains closed tight to sleep, hopefully without any nightmares of electric blue jellyfish taking over Space Needle again.

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