As most Biden-Harris voters settled down Sunday after a full Saturday of partying, local Democrat Timothy Finnegan is still phone banking for what he describes as “the love of the game.”

“The presidential election is over and voters may be ready to explode if even one more text or phone call comes from a campaign volunteer—that’s right when the real phone-bank ballers like me swoop in,” said Finnegan. “There’s always another election and fundraising deadline around the corner and I’ve got a phone bank script that literally won’t quit. Hellooo, Georgia: You’ve been on my mind.”

While most phone bankers spend the months in between elections on other hobbies, Finnegan said he enjoys spending the election offseason perfecting his craft.

“Right now I’m able to talk on speaker phone while texting with my right hand so I can reach out to twice as many voters,” Finnegan said, fumbling his iPhone. “I’m hoping by midterms I can text voter registration details with my left hand too so I can be ambi-text-erous.”

By press time, Finnegan’s calls had so far convinced at least 50 residents of Atlanta to throw their cell phones away forever.

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