With Sound Transit’s Connect 2020 construction underway through March, it can only mean one thing for light rail commuters this winter: Cozying up with a few strangers packed around you to watch an entire movie before arriving at your destination. So tuck in your knees and avert your gaze from the crotch standing before you with eight of our favorite movies to watch all the way through while taking light rail this winter!

8. Sliding Doors – This Gwenyth Paltrow film about the two different directions her life goes because she either catches a train or doesn’t will have you wondering what it would be like to see the light rail doors slide open again. What will happen if they don’t? Will we eat each other for sustenance? And what will I get for sustenance should I emerge from the doors alive today? Honeyhole? This movie will have you appreciating life and Honeyhole in ways you never knew you could.

7. Clueless –  Because you have no real idea when you’re finally going to get off this Godforsaken thing, you’re kind of, like, just as Clueless as Cher is going to a kickback party in the Valley. Watch her horrendous LA driving and praise Jesus you are not driving on the road next to people like her. Then fantasize about vacationing in LA just to steal Paul Rudd’s youth serum. You’ll need it by the time Connect 2020 is over.

6. Taxi Driver: This Travis Bickle guy is interesting, sure, but a bit extra, right? And so are taxis in general. It’s nice there’s so many uninsured Uber and Lyft drivers without background checks willing to get you from point A to B these days. But light rail still seems like a preferable option, even as your seatmate’s halitosis becomes more apparent. And was that two seconds of Jeff Goldblum?! Almost distracting and surprising enough to forget you’ve been on this thing for more than an hour!

5. Speed – King County Metro’s bus route network is relatively nice and Dennis Hopper is dead, but this movie reminds you that you just can’t be too careful these days. Every second of Keanu Reeves’ acting makes you more grateful it’s light rail, not a bus, you may need to be saved from today.

4. Sleepless in Seattle – Wow, dating in the 90s required swiping yourself across the whole country on a whole fucking airplane just to see if someone was attractive. Fuuuuck. It is hilarious. Almost as hilarious as you thinking you’d be home by 6.

3. Shawshank Redemption – This classic movie will remind you that, should you be stuck on this train for too long, you do have a spoon at the bottom of your backpack. All is well. Fear not: One way or another, you will be free to run in the rain once again.

2. Trainspotting – Because Ewan McGregor is a beautiful, beautiful man. Just look at him. The whole time. Enjoy.

1. Singles – This Seattle-based movie classic will have you wondering why Campbell Scott’s attempt to build more public transportation infrastructure throughout Seattle in 1993 was only fictional. Why? Why didn’t you get it handled almost three decades ago, Tom Skerritt?

There you have it — our top eight flicks for your winter light rail commute! If you’re going from the Capitol Hill Station to the International District Station, you will probably be able to make it through at least three of these films. Happy watching!

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