With time running out to psych herself up for a highly anticipated debate with Ohio’s swing-state audience tonight, democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren found herself struggling to get her record-setting rally of 15,000 supporters in Seattle off her mind.

“Get it together, Liz,” the senator scolded herself as she paced backstage. “America needs you right now – what you and Seattle have doesn’t amount to a hill of coffee beans in this crazy world!”

Warren’s gaze then suddenly softened as a wave of nostalgia took over.

“The way we met was just so organic – not so staged like this,” a reflective Warren said. “It was my largest crowd and ovation to date. Time just flew by during those long lines of one-on-one greetings and selfie snaps. Such a special time … it was just one day, but I can’t help feeling like we connected on a really deep level.”

Also reportedly on the Massachusetts senator’s mind were rumors that Seattle’s relationship with former Wash. state caucus favorite Bernie Sanders may be falling apart, potentially leaving an opening for Warren to step in.

“I really don’t want to get in between anyone here,” Warren said before summoning enough focus and composure to step on the debate stage. “But I do have a plan for that.”

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