After a controversial opening, Lake City pot shops and strip clubs say local knitting shop Rain City Skeins is now winning them over with a broad range of programming targeting local community interests.

“I stopped in for a free Crochet Your Own G-string class a few weeks ago,” said bikini barista Amber Jones. “Staff from 420 Daze had brought over baked goods and it was such a great night. Now I’m thinking about taking the whole Intro to Fiber Arts workshop series this summer.”

The community ties have boosted business at the fledgling shop, too. 

“We put some free brochures with patterns for bong and vape pen cozies on a table outside,” said owner Betsy McIntire. “All of our eco-friendly hemp-based yarns started flying off the shelves.”

Rain City Skeins has even emerged as headquarters for a grassroots effort to challenge zoning that allows for six-story mixed-use residential and retail buildings nearby. 

“With their tattoos and piercings, some of my business neighbors seemed real different from me at first,” McIntire said. “But we quickly learned that however differently people dress or look, we all hate condo developers just the same. 

“Isn’t that right Mr. Purrl?” she asked the large gray tabby sunning itself next to an antique Shaker style loom by the window. “Would you like a brownie dear? A neighbor brought them by. They’re delicious.”

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