This May brings the 42nd anniversary of the Seattle Aquarium on Pier 59 and, with it, touch tide pool dwellers begging for sweet mercy.

Residents of the “Life on the Edge” community expect events for the anniversary to trigger PTSD sustained from last year’s Winter Fishtival.

“I can still feel their endless tapping,” choked out one starfish. “I’d rather regrow my arm than endure another day like that.”

Friends turned anemones, tide pool residents including purple urchins, golden starfish and that one that looks like a prickly, neon-colored dick say they are no longer sitting idly by as visitors maul them with grubby paws.

Planning a silent sit-in protest, residents plan to stay within their pool all day in a show of united defiance against captivity.

Neighboring octopi plan to participate from their tank but intend to stay near the shelter of their cave in case the protest is shutdown.

“It is so sad what’s happening to them and I plan to do everything that I can for them from here at home,” said Switch the giant octopus. “Tide pools matter.”

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