Heads butted today in South Lake Union as local tech company staff was informed that it has to eat all of its Raisin Bran before it can order any more Cocoa Puffs for their kitchen.

Local startup FrameChomp was reminded by its board of directors that a surplus of Raisin Bran had accumulated in its kitchen and needed to be dealt with.

“It is a perfectly fine cereal,” said FrameChomp CEO Brett Butler. “There are starving software engineers at Moz who would be thrilled to eat it.”

Efforts to consume the cereal have gotten off to a rocky start. FrameChomp has been forced to store wholesale boxes of Raisin Bran in high-traffic locations. Employees have reportedly sat crying in front of servings of Raisin Bran, with higher-ups refusing to let them leave until they see a clean bowl.

“It’s awful,” said an employee who asked that we conceal her identity. “And it’s in a bowl, so we can’t spread it around to make it look like we ate some.”

Others are taking the cereal surplus in stride, like software architect Richard Watts, who claims to have eaten five bowls a day in the past week.

“I’m getting so used to it, I’m forgetting what good cereal tasted like,” said Watts. “Plus, if I keep this up, maybe we can get those boxes out of our indoor Spike Ball arena.”

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