Friends of Greenwood remote worker Hannah Ricks are reporting that she seems to be completely unaware that she lives in an igloo now.

“I love working from home,” said Ricks Monday night. “Instead of going to some 9-5 office job, I hustle on a flexible schedule that sometimes ends up being every waking hour every day for more than a week — it’s great.”

Ricks’ friends became concerned when she started talking about plans to finally mow her lawn as soon as she hits a project deadline Tuesday.

“Yeah, her place looks like one large undisturbed ice marshmallow,” said friend Ashley Nickels. “We hope Hannah can tear herself away from her work computer so she can at least notice what’s going on outside.”

Ricks commented on her friends’ Instagram posts that it looks like they’ve been having a lot of fun together up in the mountains for some kind of girls’ getaway they had this last week.

“I grind some long hours as a remote worker and I miss out on some things,” said Ricks. “But I also get unlimited vacation that I can take whenever my manager says I can take it — she said sometime in the next few months!”

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