The anticipated expansion of Amazon’s empire came to a head this morning when the company announced the tower erected above its Spheres is now ready to ejaculate PrimeAir drones.

“We’re coming,” said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos of the fleet designed to deliver airborne packages to doorsteps across the world. “We’re so eager to see this brainchild come to life we could burst.”

But before the drones are unleashed to arrive at their home delivery targets, Amazon will likely have to fight through Seattle’s hostile regulatory atmosphere.

PrimeAir engineers and policy analysts have been courting cities across the globe with their proposed conception for years now, probing and prodding for fertile environments to enter and navigate.

But committing to a thorough penetration of the Seattle market — where Amazon has already committed to housing its first headquarters — seems to be the most practical choice. It may also be a point of pride for the company.

“The weather isn’t always the friendliest here, but we would be so proud to seed the next generation of package delivery right in the thick of Jet City’s wet quarters,” Bezos said. “Only with its consent, though — we don’t pull that Louis CK kind of shit around here.”

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