In a CNN Town Hall aired live Wednesday night, Wash. State Governor Jay Inslee argued he was uniquely qualified to elevate public discourse on climate change in the 2020 presidential debates because of his home state’s most abundant natural resource and weapon against global warming: The Seattle Freeze.

Inslee sought to debunk any negative assumptions about what he sees as one of the most underutilized strategies for energy efficiency.

“Look, the Seattle Freeze doesn’t cause cancer—it causes people to flake on plans and drives across town,” said Inslee, tipping his eyes over black-rim glasses. “That reduces our carbon footprint while increasing introverts’ ability to sustainably recharge precious energy reserves.”

When asked by host Wolf Blitzer about whether The Seattle Freeze would be enough to reverse global warming, Inslee didn’t hesitate.

“You should see what happens when people from all over the globe move to Seattle looking for a warm social climate,” Inslee said with a laugh. “B-R-R-RRrrr! Nothing like a nice Seattle cold shoulder.”

In the Town Hall’s closing remarks, Inslee said he promised the age of impulsive presidential outbursts toward international allies and marginalized communities will be replaced post-haste with notes placed carefully under windshield wipers and front doors.

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