A group of hikers were in for a stinky surprise today after they realized they had mistakenly summited an enormous mountain of green dog poop bags at the trailhead.

“You know, I don’t recall the AllTrails condition report mentioning this trail being this muddy, and … oh my God, we’ve climbed the wrong Poo Poo Point,” said hiker Brett Carhill, looking at the view from the summit of the green dog poop mountain. “I should have known something was wrong when I passed that descending hiker earlier and instead of saying ‘you’re almost there’ she just projectile vomited everywhere. I hope REI is having another sale soon because I’m going to need some new boots.”

Park Ranger Cynthia Stoker said that confusion over the dog poop mountains was a growing problem among the hiking community.

“This is the third search and rescue operation we’ve had to send up these dog poop mountains this week,” said Ranger Stoker, placing a ranger hat on top of her hazmat suit. “I’m starting to think the signs we made that say ‘If the ground is soft and brown, head back down. If the ground is hard and clean, you may proceed’ aren’t working. On the plus side, Mt. Si trail has never been less busy with all these hikers accidentally climbing Mt. Shite.”

Park Rangers reportedly were responding to another incident in North Bend after a PetCo delivery truck flipped causing the formation of the new Litterbox Peak.

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