A new report released today confirms that no less than 90 percent of prospective Seattle homebuyers have actually settled for Kent even though they don’t know it yet.

“We’d really like to live in North Seattle but would maybe consider South or West Seattle if we really have to,” said Ben Wyatt, who is for some reason still completely unaware he and his wife already accepted living most of their lives in a two-bedroom Kent townhouse the second they had the audacity to opt for careers outside the tech industry. “As long as we’re not out in Kent!”

Ben’s wife, Sarah Wyatt, said she and her husband are absolutely on the same page when it comes to where they want to and where they don’t want to build a life and a family together.

“We both grew up here in Seattle, so we’re willing to financially stretch ourselves as much as we can to buy a home in Seattle proper—we really if at all possible want to avoid moving out as far as Renton or Shoreline,” said Sarah, who is also at this time blissfully unaware she’s already settled for a home in Kent because there already isn’t a shot in hell they’ll ever be able to even afford anything in Renton or Shoreline. “Renton, ugh—can you imagine?”

A related report conducted by the same researchers confirmed that 90 percent of consciously prospective Kent homebuyers have similarly already unknowingly settled for Spanaway.

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