Overjoyed that he won’t have to wait literally forever to satisfy his craving for Detroit-style pizza here in Seattle, today Belltown resident Bryan Miller was excited to see an order tracker update confirming his Moto Pizza will be ready in only 90,000 minutes.

“Woo! I was beginning to think a faster way to get some Detroit pizza here would be taking an entire leisurely road trip to Michigan myself, but I’ll hold off on that now that I know I only have to wait 62 and a half more days for this order I made last week to be ready,” said Miller. “And then it’s only three more days of travel to pick it up in West Seattle!”

Several of Miller’s friends admitted they were puzzled by why he would wait so long for Detroit-style pizza from one particular place no matter how highly reviewed it is.

“That wait and that drive is crazy when you could order a Detroit-style pizza at My Friend Derek’s Fremont kitchen and it would be ready in only 40,000 minutes,” said Miller’s friend and local pizza aficionado Tyler Briggs. “I mean, I guess you could also just get a really decent Detroit-style pizza the same day you order it at Sunny Hill in Ballard, but personally, a 300-minute wait just isn’t masochistic enough for my taste.”

When asked for comment on the multi-month wait times for orders they make from their tiny, limited-capacity kitchens in West Seattle and Edmonds, Moto Pizza said they hear customers concerns and this summer are contemplating switching their ordering platform over to Ticketmaster.

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