One childless couple reportedly went the extra mile ahead of a visit with longtime friends today after they thoughtfully left out a water bowl for their toddler, Jackson.

“We don’t have children of our own so I never quite know what to do around toddlers, but I figure the kiddo will probably get thirsty after we play fetch for a while,” said Tim Henderson, putting a water bowl out in the kitchen for his friends’ son. “And when he gets hungry, I got a maze bowl for his cheerios so he doesn’t get a tummy ache. I just hope he’s house-trained—we just got a new couch.”

While the parents were appreciative of the considerate gesture when they arrived today, they were less thrilled by some of the accommodations made for Jackson.

“I know that Ben means well, but my son is not a dog—and yes, I realize Jackson immediately started drinking out of the bowl, but that’s besides the point,” said Brad Lawson, father of the 2-year-old. “I also didn’t appreciate him making Jackson do tricks before he would give him little treats. Though, come to think of it, I’ve never seen him sit and stay on command before. I might have to start keeping a few chocolate chips in my pocket to help keep him focused when we go to the park.”

Sources close to the family were later able to confirm that, after prolonged whining during the car ride home, Jackson’s parents relented and got him a puppuccino from Starbucks.

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