A beautiful spring day to work outside while enjoying the full sun and peak cherry-tree blooms came to an abrupt halt this afternoon in Seattle when the temperature suddenly changed by an entire single degree.

“When I saw how gorgeous a day it was through my window, I knew there was no way I wanted to stay holed up working inside my office instead of being out here soaking up the sun, sight of colorful flowers, and the smiles of everyone around me taking in the wonder of this dazzling day,” said Seattle resident Sarah Quinn. “But just as I was settling onto a perfect park bench under a cherry tree I had all to myself at a glistening Green Lake this afternoon with my laptop and latte in-hand, I knew it was all over: The chill of 1-degree temperature change instantly sapped me of all my body heat and I had to get out of there immediately before going hypothermic.”

Quinn was far from the only person who was caught working outside when the temperature dramatically changed by what the National Weather Service says may not have even been a whole degree.

“Thankfully I was only in my lush, green sun-drenched backyard soaking up a luscious amount of real Vitamin D while working remotely when that one afternoon breeze that lasted 5 seconds came out of nowhere and chilled me to the bone,” said Henry Peters. “I immediately got inside and ran a hot bath. I’ve been doing the rest of my work today under a pile of four blankets with my heater jacked all the way up ever since. Believe me, I still think there’s nothing more delightful and healthy than getting fresh air while working the day away outside as long as my body’s homeostasis is never challenged in any way shape or form.”

At press time, everyone who ran inside when it got one degree colder outside now feels too hot and is taking a walk outside without taking a sweater that will be immediately ended by any sudden, even slight cloud cover.

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