After getting a great Christmas tree deal at Costco and decorating one at home today, one local family admitted they were struggling with what to do with the other five trees that came in their six-pack of Kirkland Signature firs.

“I know we only really needed one tree, but you get such a good deal when you buy in bulk,” said Brent Schofield, navigating the lush forest in his living room. “That’s how they get ya—come in for some toilet paper and a hotdog around the holidays and you always end up leaving with six full-size Noble Fir pine trees. I tried calling around to see if any of my friends needed a tree, but they all got caught up in the deal and bought a six-pack too. I’ll probably just try to freeze a couple of trees and save them for next year.”

Though the Schofield family has been enjoying the festive forest in their house, the new holiday habitat has come with a few problems.

“The kids are having a blast, but I haven’t seen the cat in a couple days—I hear him meowing so he’s got to be in the forest somewhere,” said Schofield, clearing a path to the bathroom with a machete. “I’m fairly sure a family of raccoons moved in while we were sleeping too, but—as long as they stay in their territory—I think the forest is big enough for us to coexist. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to clear some of the underbrush in the kitchen so I don’t start a forest fire when we cook Christmas dinner.”

Schofield finally found the solution to his overflowing forest problem when he opened his own U-Cut Christmas Tree Lot in his living room.

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