Standing out amongst a sea of scantily clad nurses and pizza deliverymen, one man allegedly gruesomely misunderstood the “sexy fantasy” theme at a local Halloween party after showing up as Gandalf in a bikini.

“Naughty nurse, sultry librarian and a pumped plumber—what kind of lame D&D campaigns have these guys been playing?” said a confused Sexy Gandalf, grinding on his Radagast staff. “I thought at least there’d be a Sex Minotaur or a slutty Drizzt Do’Urden here, but everyone is just dressed like regular boring jobs. Where’s all the hot DTF goblins?”

Although Sexy Gandalf was disappointed by the vanilla costume choices, at least one attendee thought he understood the assignment perfectly.

“Damn boy, are you wielding the flame of Anor? Because you cannot pass without getting my number first,” said party attendee Claire Gordon, hitting on Sexy Gandalf. “All these scantily-clad football players and half-naked construction workers can hit the showers because I’ve only got my Eye of Sauron on one bikini-wearing Maiar and I’m ready to put the One Ring on it.”

While party attendees differed on the theme, everyone came together and unanimously agreed to kick out the disgusting weirdo that showed up as Sexy Mark Zuckerberg.

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