Word puzzle enthusiasts woke up this morning to discover that the daily KOMORDLE, the KOMO News version of the national sensation Wordle, was just “CRIME” again for the 97th straight day.

“Look, if ‘HOMELESS’ or ‘ANTIFA’ were five letters we’d gladly run with that, but we can’t think of any other words besides ‘CRIME’ that will keep our audience coming back everyday,” said Billy O’Neill, Games Editor at KOMO News. “In the beginning we tried fun, Seattle-y words like LATTE and KAYAK but no one cared, so we decided to just stick to the hits. However, I am excited to announce that we’ve got something special planned for day 100 that I think is going to be very popular with our audience. Here’s a hint: Seattle is _____.”

The repetitive streak has been a huge hit with KOMO’s core audience of retired Seattleites looking for any reason to not stray more than one square mile from the comfort of their homes.

“Well ‘SOCIALIST’ doesn’t fit and I already tried ‘TENTS,’ ‘THEFT’ and ‘DRUGS,’ so now I’m stumped,” said avid KOMO fan Paul Buchanan. “You know, my daughter tried to get me to play the New York Times version, but it’s probably full of liberal mumbo jumbo like ‘COVID’ and ‘VEGAN.’ I think I’ll stick to KOMORDLE instead of trying to figure out whatever nonsense CRT words those criminals in New York think up—wait! I got it! CRIME!”

KOMORDLE engagement, however, has reportedly already dropped off sharply since yesterday with the launch of new game QAnordle, which features a raving stream-of-consciousness style that highlights popular QAnon phrases like CLINTONVACCINESEXDUNGEON.

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