After years of juggling different names that caused friction in the area dangling between Ballard and Fremont, its residents officially announced today they have formally changed their neighborhood name to FreeBall.

“We finally realized that the only way that we could feel true to the free-swinging, casual vibe of the neighborhood compressed between Ballard and Fremont was to cut loose and declare that we’re now officially FreeBallers,” said FreeBall volunteer councilperson Sammy Saminski. “We wavered between a couple different names for a while, but Balmont felt too stuffy, and Frelard sounds kind of disgusting—but FreeBall? That just feels right. So come on down to FreeBall and let it all hang out.”

The unsecured neighborhood, loosely located on Leary Way from about Northwest 45rd Street to Northwest 40th Street, has long been known for its easygoing attitude and ever-shifting borders.

“FreeBall isn’t a neighborhood that can be restricted and boxed in by a pair of street signs,” said longtime FreeBall resident Charlie Figueroa. “Does the Trader Joe’s down the road belong to Ballard or FreeBall? Who’s to say, man? Neighborhoods are just a manmade construct making harder for us all to just breath easy and hang loose, my dudes.”

Inspired by FreeBall making a statement with their new, official neighborhood name, the two-block area between Licton Springs and Greenwood is reportedly also about to be renamed to their local favorite neighborhood nickname, LictWood.

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