After keeping him throughout quarantine, Seattle resident Lisa Carroll announced today that her COVID lockdown boyfriend is ready to be returned to the free tool library for a new item.

“He watered and mowed the lawn really well this last year, but what sucks about this big of a tool is that it also gives you the silent treatment for a week every time you’re not impressed enough by the fart noises he makes with his hands. Ego component on it is just a little too fragile,” said Carroll. “Kept him longer than I wanted because of lockdown. Now that everything’s opening back up, I think it’s time to return him and see if I can borrow something a little sturdier that can also powerwash my deck.”

Carroll says many of the new tools she’s interested in are still waitlisted, though.

“I looked through my local tool library’s online catalogue and of course all the conflict-prone carpet cleaning tools are waitlisted,” Carroll said. “At this point I’ll probably just settle for some homely hedgefund-trimming tool.”

After browsing through what’s in stock at the Northeast Seattle Tool Library in person this afternoon, Carroll confirmed she’d rather see what it’s like to not have any tools around at all for a while.

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