After spending the year taking the nation by storm, today The Independent Gaming Association announced that QAnon has won Best Augmented Reality Game of the Year.

Developed by users on the website 4chan and inspired by the words of President Donald Trump, QAnon has quickly become one of the most popular augmented reality experiences, almost immediately joining classics like Trickle-down Economics and Christianity as leaders in the market.

“When I first put the AR headset on, honestly this game sounded so batshit insane I was kind of scared to even know how this thing worked,” said game association president Lars Axelsson. “But I have to say, the bold imaginations required to think up such insanity and still be able to convince millions – millions! – of people to play along with it is truly impressive. We’re talking Scientology meets Heavens Gate meets Third Reich – some real next-level shit that’s somehow terrifying, exciting and brainwashing all at the same time.”

In the game, users engage in two exciting game modes: First, they receive hints and intel drops from “Q,” a mysterious poster on an 8kun message board who supposedly is a top Trump official. These pieces of information allow players to sort through actual news to find evidence of Trump’s secret battle against forces that seek to destroy white America, and instructions for what they need to do to stop it. In the second mode, players take to the streets to seek out the enemies identified in Q’s posts and defend real-world rally points, including homes and businesses of unrelated people.

Despite the differences between it and family-friendly options like Pokemon Go, game industry experts say QAnon has just as much potential for real-world spending too, with players buying merchandise, tools, and weapons to allow them to better complete their goals. One group of players even raised over a hundred thousand dollars to help a 17-year-old involved in a match in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

While it has yet to see professional competitive play, a dedicated amateur scene has really brought it to the forefront, with teams like the Boogaloo Boys and Proud Boys being seen at events throughout the country. The game’s next high-profile event on the calendar will be at January’s Fahrenheit 451 Book-burning Fair.

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