As businesses citywide adapt to selling products at a safe distance, this weekend Pike Place Market began curbside fish-throwing to its loyal, seafood-loving customers.

Henry Iverson, driving up with a Subaru station wagon window down was among the first in line this morning.  

“I’m just glad these fishmongers are getting their fish-tossing groove back,” said Iverson before an airborne salmon slapped him in the face and landed in his hands. “Sure, it’s a little inconvenient catching the salmon and getting raw fish juice all over myself in the process, but I’ll do anything I can to support the small local businesses I love right now—anything but get coronavirus. But salmonella? We can handle that.”

Curbside fish-throwing was such a hit today, several other businesses at Pike Place Market and beyond may start adopting the fish market’s technique.

“I don’t know why we didn’t think of this sooner,” said Autumn Martin, co-founder of plant-based ice-cream shop Frankie & Jo’s. “Starting today, we’re offering walk-up hand-thrown pints of all your favorites — Salty Caramel Ash, Date Shake and Beet Strawberry Rose – with just a hint of locally sourced air as we lightly toss them at you from at least six feet away. Don’t forget to bring your reusable catching mitts.”

By next week, several local Italian restaurants are expected to offer curbside pizza-frisbee.

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