You might’ve heard of the Seattle Freeze: the stereotype that Seattleites are notoriously hard to make friends with. But one local hero is doing his part to thaw Seattle out! Every day during his commute, Ronnie Thomas makes a point of talking to every attractive woman on the bus.

What a guy!

“Sometimes it takes a little effort to get the ladies talking with you,” said Ronnie. “It’s just like being at a bar, or a laundromat, or my dentist’s lobby.”

He says women enjoy hearing him talk. They seem to be particularly interested in his Magic: The Gathering deck, he claims.

Although witnesses have noted that not all of the women seem appreciative of Ronnie’s actions, Ronnie refuses to let a little implied rejection get him down.

And his efforts don’t stop there. Thomas is even nice enough to talk to women he only finds kind of attractive!

“Yeah anyone who wants to can talk to me,” he says. “Even if they’re only like a 7.”

Wow! Just goes to show how far a little bit of kindness can go in our daily routine. Maybe we can all learn a little something from Ronnie.

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